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Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel

Short Description:
When it comes to Microsoft Office programs, law firms have unique needs. This Excel for lawyers tutorial course includes a training module specific to the practice of law. You will learn how to effectively use legal templates, legal business functions (such as the Pv and Fv functions) and simple IOLTA management. In addition, you’ll receive our complete Excel curriculum. Learn Microsoft Excel with this comprehensive course from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Excel Made Easy features 224 video lessons with over 12 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual (479 pages), additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to effectively create and format spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables and much more.

Product Description

Course Description

Learn Microsoft Excel with this comprehensive Excel tutorial from TeachUcomp, Inc. Mastering Excel Made Easy features 212 video lessons with over 10 hours of introductory through advanced instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual (453 pages) with additional images and practice exercises.  Our Excel tutorial shows how to effectively create and format spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables and much more.
Whether you are completely new to Excel or upgrading from an older version, this Excel tutorial empowers you with the knowledge and skills to become a proficient user. Our Excel tutorial is based on years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques. This lets us create an Excel tutorial that is easy-to-use. You can also customize it to meet your personal learning needs.  Just launch the Excel tutorial, click a video lesson or open a manual, and you’re on your way to mastering Excel!

Course Syllabus & Sample Lessons

Select any of the video lessons markedexcel 2016 tutorial: free buttonto view them in a new window.
To view samples of the instruction manuals in PDF, click here:  Sample Excel Manual


Excel Tutorial: Getting Acquainted with Excel

Lesson 1.1-About Excelexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 1.2-The Excel Environmentexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 1.3-The Title Bar
Lesson 1.4-The Ribbon
Lesson 1.5-The “File” Tab and Backstage View
Lesson 1.6-Scroll Bars
Lesson 1.7-The Quick Access Toolbar
Lesson 1.8-Touch Mode
Lesson 1.9-The Formula Bar
Lesson 1.10-The Workbook Window
Lesson 1.11-The Status Bar
Lesson 1.12-The Workbook View Buttons
Lesson 1.13-The Zoom Slider
Lesson 1.14-The Mini Toolbar
Lesson 1.15-Keyboard Shortcuts


Excel Tutorial: File Management

Lesson 2.1-Creating New Workbooksexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 2.2-Saving Workbooks
Lesson 2.3-Closing Workbooks
Lesson 2.4-Opening Workbooksexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 2.5-Recovering Unsaved Workbooks
Lesson 2.6-Opening a Workbook in a New Window
Lesson 2.7-Arranging Open Workbook Windows
Lesson 2.8-Freeze Panes
Lesson 2.9-Split Panes
Lesson 2.10-Hiding and Unhiding Workbook Windows
Lesson 2.11-Comparing Open Workbooks
Lesson 2.12-Switching Open Workbooks
Lesson 2.13-Switching to Full Screen View
Lesson 2.14-Working With Excel File Formats
Lesson 2.15-AutoSave Online Workbooks


Excel Tutorial: Data Entry

Lesson 3.1-Selecting Cellsexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 3.2-Entering Text into Cellsexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 3.3-Entering Numbers into Cellsexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 3.4-AutoComplete
Lesson 3.5-Pick from Drop-Down List
Lesson 3.6-Flash Fill
Lesson 3.7-Selecting Ranges
Lesson 3.8-Ranged Data Entry
Lesson 3.9-Using AutoFill


Excel Tutorial: Creating Formulas

Lesson 4.1-Ranged Formula Syntaxexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 4.2-Simple Formula Syntaxexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 4.3-Writing Formulasexcel 2016 tutorial: free button
Lesson 4.4-Using AutoSum
Lesson 4.5-Inserting Functions
Lesson 4.6-Editing a Range
Lesson 4.7-Formula AutoCorrect
Lesson 4.8-AutoCalculate
Lesson 4.9-Function Compatibility


Excel Tutorial: Copying & Pasting Formulas

Lesson 5.1-Relative References and Absolute References
Lesson 5.2-Cutting, Copying, and Pasting Data
Lesson 5.3-AutoFilling Cells
Lesson 5.4-The Undo Button
Lesson 5.5-The Redo Button


Excel Tutorial: Columns & Rows

Lesson 6.1-Selecting Columns & Rows
Lesson 6.2-Adjusting Column Width and Row Height
Lesson 6.3-Hiding and Unhiding Columns and Rows
Lesson 6.4-Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows


Excel Tutorial: Formatting Worksheets

Lesson 7.1-Formatting Cells
Lesson 7.2-The Format Cells Dialog Box
Lesson 7.3-Clearing All Formatting from Cells
Lesson 7.4-Copying All Formatting from Cells to Another Area


Excel Tutorial: Worksheet Tools

Lesson 8.1-Inserting and Deleting Worksheets
Lesson 8.2-Selecting Multiple Worksheets
Lesson 8.3-Navigating Worksheets
Lesson 8.4-Renaming Worksheets
Lesson 8.5-Coloring Worksheet Tabs
Lesson 8.6-Copying or Moving Worksheets


Excel Tutorial: Setting Worksheet Layout

Lesson 9.1-Using Page Break Preview
Lesson 9.2-Using The Page Layout View
Lesson 9.3-Opening the Page Setup Dialog Box
Lesson 9.4-Page Settings
Lesson 9.5-Setting Margins
Lesson 9.6-Creating Headers and Footers
Lesson 9.7-Sheet Settings


Excel Tutorial: Printing Worksheets

Lesson 10.1-Previewing and Printing Worksheets


Excel Tutorial: Helping Yourself

Lesson 11.1-Using Excel Help
Lesson 11.2-The Tell Me Bar
Lesson 11.3-Smart Lookup


Excel Tutorial: Creating 3D Formulas

Lesson 12.1-Creating 3D Formulas
Lesson 12.2-3D Formula Syntax
Lesson 12.3-Creating 3D Range References


Excel Tutorial: Named Ranges

Lesson 13.1-Naming Ranges
Lesson 13.2-Creating Names from Headings
Lesson 13.3-Moving to a Named Range
Lesson 13.4-Using Named Ranges in Formulas
Lesson 13.5-Naming 3D Ranges
Lesson 13.6-Deleting Named Ranges


Excel Tutorial: Conditional Formatting and Cell Styles

Lesson 14.1-Conditional Formatting
Lesson 14.2-Finding Cells with Conditional Formatting
Lesson 14.3-Clearing Conditional Formatting
Lesson 14.4-Using Table and Cell Styles


Excel Tutorial: Paste Special

Lesson 15.1-Using Paste Special
Lesson 15.2-Pasting Links


Excel Tutorial: Sharing Workbooks

Lesson 16.1-About Co-authoring and Sharing Workbooks
Lesson 16.2-Co-authoring Workbooks
Lesson 16.3-Adding Shared Workbook Buttons in Excel
Lesson 16.4-Traditional Workbook Sharing
Lesson 16.5-Highlighting Changes
Lesson 16.6-Reviewing Changes
Lesson 16.7-Using Comments and Notes
Lesson 16.8-Compare and Merge Workbooks


Excel Tutorial: Auditing Worksheets

Lesson 17.1-Auditing Worksheets
Lesson 17.2-Tracing Precedent and Dependent Cells
Lesson 17.3-Tracing Errors
Lesson 17.4-Error Checking
Lesson 17.5-Using the Watch Window
Lesson 17.6-Cell Validation


Excel Tutorial: Outlining Worksheets

Lesson 18.1-Using Outlines
Lesson 18.2-Applying and Removing Outlines
Lesson 18.3-Applying Subtotals


Excel Tutorial: Consolidating Worksheets

Lesson 19.1-Consolidating Data


Excel Tutorial: Tables

Lesson 20.1-Creating a Table
Lesson 20.2-Adding and Editing Records
Lesson 20.3-Inserting Records and Fields
Lesson 20.4-Deleting Records and Fields


Excel Tutorial: Sorting Data

Lesson 21.1-Sorting Data
Lesson 21.2-Custom Sort Orders


Excel Tutorial: Filtering Data

Lesson 22.1-Using AutoFilters
Lesson 22.2-Using the Top 10 AutoFilter
Lesson 22.3-Applying a Custom AutoFilter
Lesson 22.4-Creating Advanced Filters
Lesson 22.5-Applying Multiple Criteria
Lesson 22.6-Using Complex Criteria
Lesson 22.7-Copying Filter Results to a New Location
Lesson 22.8-Using Database Functions


Excel Tutorial: What-If Analysis and Forecasts

Lesson 23.1-Using Data Tables
Lesson 23.2-Using Scenario Manager
Lesson 23.3-Using Goal Seek
Lesson 23.4-Forecast Sheets


Excel Tutorial: Table-Related Functions

Lesson 24.1-The Hlookup and Vlookup Functions
Lesson 24.2-Using the IF, AND, and OR Functions
Lesson 24.3-The IFS Function


Excel Tutorial: Sparklines

Lesson 25.1-Inserting and Deleting Sparklines
Lesson 25.2-Modifying Sparklines


Excel Tutorial: Creating Charts In Excel

Lesson 26.1-Creating Charts
Lesson 26.2-Selecting Charts and Chart Elements
Lesson 26.3-Adding Chart Elements
Lesson 26.4-Moving and Resizing Charts
Lesson 26.5-Changing the Chart Type
Lesson 26.6-Changing the Data Range
Lesson 26.7-Switching Column and Row Data
Lesson 26.8-Choosing a Chart Layout
Lesson 26.9Choosing a Chart Style
Lesson 26.10Changing Color Schemes
Lesson 26.11-Printing Charts
Lesson 26.12-Deleting Charts


Excel Tutorial: Formatting Charts in Excel

Lesson 27.1-Formatting Chart Objects
Lesson 27.2-Inserting Objects into a Chart
Lesson 27.3-Formatting Axes
Lesson 27.4-Formatting Axis Titles
Lesson 27.5-Formatting a Chart Title
Lesson 27.6-Formatting Data Labels
Lesson 27.7-Formatting a Data Table
Lesson 27.8-Formatting Error Bars
Lesson 27.9-Formatting Gridlines
Lesson 27.10-Formatting a Legend
Lesson 27.11-Formatting Drop and High-Low Lines
Lesson 27.12-Formatting Trendlines
Lesson 27.13-Formatting Up/Down Bars
Lesson 27.14-Formatting the Chart and Plot Areas
Lesson 27.15-Naming Charts
Lesson 27.16-Applying Shape Styles
Lesson 27.17-Applying WordArt Styles
Lesson 27.18-Saving Custom Chart Templates


Excel Tutorial: Data Models

Lesson 28.1-Creating a Data Model from External Relational Data
Lesson 28.2-Creating a Data Model from Excel Tables
Lesson 28.3-Enabling Legacy Data Connections
Lesson 28.4-Relating Tables in a Data Model
Lesson 28.5-Managing a Data Model


Excel Tutorial: PivotTables and PivotCharts

Lesson 29.1-Creating Recommended PivotTables
Lesson 29.2-Manually Creating a PivotTable
Lesson 29.3-Creating a PivotChart
Lesson 29.4-Manipulating a PivotTable or PivotChart
Lesson 29.5-Changing Calculated Value Fields
Lesson 29.6-Formatting PivotTables
Lesson 29.7-Formatting PivotCharts
Lesson 29.8-Setting PivotTable Options
Lesson 29.9-Sorting and Filtering Using Field Headers


Excel Tutorial: Power Pivot

Lesson 30.1-Starting Power Pivot
Lesson 30.2-Managing the Data Model
Lesson 30.3-Calculated Columns
Lesson 30.4-Measures
Lesson 30.5-Creating KPIs
Lesson 30.6-Creating and Managing Perspectives
Lesson 30.7-Power Pivot PivotTables and PivotCharts


Excel Tutorial: 3D Maps

Lesson 31.1-Enabling 3D Maps
Lesson 31.2-Creating a New 3D Maps Tour
Lesson 31.3-Editing a 3D Maps Tour
Lesson 31.4-Managing Layers in a 3D Maps Tour
Lesson 31.5-Filtering Layers
Lesson 31.6-Setting Layer Options
Lesson 31.7-Managing Scenes
Lesson 31.8-Custom 3D Maps
Lesson 31.9-Custom Regions
Lesson 31.10-World Map Options
Lesson 31.11-Inserting 3D Map Objects
Lesson 31.12-Previewing a Scene
Lesson 31.13-Playing a 3D Maps Tour
Lesson 31.14-Creating a Video of a 3D Maps Tour
Lesson 31.15-3D Maps Options


Excel Tutorial: Slicers and Timelines

Lesson 32.1-Inserting and Deleting Slicers
Lesson 32.2-Modifying Slicers
Lesson 32.3-Inserting and Deleting Timelines
Lesson 32.4-Modifying Timelines


 Excel Tutorial: Security Features

Lesson 33.1-Unlocking Cells
Lesson 33.2-Worksheet Protection
Lesson 33.3-Workbook Protection
Lesson 33.4-Password Protecting Excel Files


Excel Tutorial: Making Macros

Lesson 34.1-Recording Macros
Lesson 34.2-Running and Deleting Recorded Macros
Lesson 34.3-The Personal Macro Workbook

Microsoft Excel Tutorial: Course Overview

Microsoft Excel is the most popular commercial spreadsheet software program on the market today. During this 10 hour Excel tutorial, our expert instructor shows how to effectively create and format spreadsheets, charts, pivot tables and much more. This Excel tutorial covers the same material as our three-day classroom training and provides a solid foundation in Excel.
Course includes video lessons, printable instruction manuals, a practice exam with evaluative feedback (find out why your answers are right or wrong), your final exam submission, and a course certificate of completion.
At TeachUcomp, Inc., you choose how you want your Excel tutorial delivered.
Online subscriptions offer the most flexibility and value. With online training, you can access your courses anytime and anywhere you have an internet connection (including all new releases and updates). Your subscription grants you instant access to ALL of our courses for one low price. There are no contracts and you can cancel at any time. You may choose between a monthly or annual plan.
Courses are also available individually via digital download and online for a one-time charge.

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