We are providing Photoshop training to web designers enrolled for the web design training course. It is important for students who want to work as a Web designer. It is equally important for a graphics designer. Photoshop is an image editing software. Photoshop is widely used in software companies to do image editing, retouching works. Along with that it is also popular among web designers to design website mock-ups (layouts). Mock-up design in Photoshop is the first task to be done after the website layout is finalized. Hence, to design websites one should have a good knowledge of Photoshop.
This course has been designed to provide in-depth knowledge about the fundamentals of Photoshop and enable students to tap their creative/artistic attributes in design and development of their work. Case scenarios, current trends and project work as highly focused during the training.
Learning Objectives of Photoshop Training:
- Explore Photoshop interface
- Identify and use various tools to create, edit and modify images.
- Use multiple layers and apply layers effects and filters to them.
- Identify and use image enhancing techniques
- Create masks and image effects, work with video files and perform repetitive tasks using automated tools.
- Use gradient tools and blending tools in an image
- Design web template
- Save images in appropriate formats.
This course has been designed to enable people working with images and graphics to artistically present their work. It is highly essential course for aspiring graphics designers and professional photographers, video professionals as well as architectures and engineers.
Being a fundamental course, this course doesn’t require prior knowledge of Photoshop. We will start this course from scratch. However, basic familiarity with photo-editing tools and HTML is a plus.
- Introduction to photoshop tools
- RGB and CMYK Color Modes (Why do we need CMYK color mode?)
- Images formats used on websites (JPG, GIF, PNG)
- Image resizing techniques
- Image resolutions for websites
- Creating banners for website
- Creating buttons for website
- Knowledge of Layers
- Grouping layers and its importance
- Using different Fonts
- Using different brushes
- Using gradient tool and its use while designing web interfaces like button, sidebars etc.
- Using blending options (drop shadow effect, inner shadow effect, bevel and emboss effect, color overlay, gradient overlay, pattern overlay, stroke)
- Copying layer styles and removing layer styles
- Using Pen tool to create logos or custom shapes
- Using Pen tool to select images from complex background.
- Tracing shapes and creating outlines using Pen tool
- Layer mask concepts
- Creating Patterns for website and applying it in websites
- Using filter tools
- Embedding custom brushes, shapes and styles in photoshop
- Planning a website layout
- Designing a website
- Creating animated GIF's using Photoshop
After the completion of basic Photoshop training students will be assigned a project to work on. Students will be asked to design professional websites of different styles. They continue to update the website design based on the feedback of the trainers until the website meets the design standards.
- Designing logos
- Designing Visiting Cards
- Designing Brochures
- Creating modern interfaces
- Designing advanced navigation menus
- Creating advanced effects
- Designing different styles of websites
- Designing gallery
- Designing animated gifs using Imageready or Photoshop
- Designing website with multiple background images (e.g. separate image for the header and the footer)
- Designing website on a single background image
After completion of advanced Photoshop training students will be assigned 3 - 5 project to work on. Students will be asked to design professional websites with different styles. In most of the cases students are associated with real projects so that they can feel the industry experience during the training.
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