The training deals with a fast, pragmatic, flexible and widely used open source scripting language PHP that is specially designed for web development. Thus, PHP training course has been designed to develop and groom the web development skills of emerging web enthusiasts and address the increasing global demand of PHP developers.
Course highlights:
PHP training course has been mostly designed for web development. Broadway has designed a widely accepted PHP learning course that has been divided into three fundamentals. Fundamental one is designed for beginner with a solid foundation in the PHP language which guides you through the basics of PHP, second fundamental is designed for intermediate PHP developers, and third fundamental is designed for proficient PHP programmers seeking advanced level training.
Benefits of PHP Training in Broadway Infosys Nepal:
Upon completion of
PHP training from Broadway, any trainee can be benefited in following ways:
- Availability of enough training materials and resources.
- Ability to Use PHP driven dynamic content
- Highly qualified and experienced PHP instructors
- Job placement opportunities as web developers for deserving PHP trainees
- Conversion of novice PHP programmers to experts
- Comparatively less cost of learning PHP
Why Advanced PHP MySQL Training
- Open Source, PHP is completely free.
- PHP can be easily embedded directly into HTML.
- Platform independent, it can run on Windows Linux or Mac servers.
- Runs faster on the internet and easily integrates AJAX, Callback etc.
- Interfaces very easily with Apache/MySQL
- Lots of good books and on-line help.
- It's available with documentation in many languages.
- Easy to learn compared to many other scripting languages. It has a syntax that is easy to parse and is actually rather human-friendly.
- Lots of hosting services having it ready to use, no special configuration.
- Pretty easy to access other web-based tools through PHP i.e. google maps, etc.
- Lots of good source code out there to use and/or learn from, and many useful libraries for working with PDFs, graphics, etc.
Syllabus outline:
The PHP training course covers the following topics:
Background and history of PHP, incorporating PHP into HTML, processing form data, validating form data, sending email from a web page, embedded “include” and “require” files, exporting data, importing data, creating re-useable function, password protecting pages and data, troubleshooting, further reading and exploration and so on.
contact us anytime via email, online forms or our social media pages to secure your seat for upcoming
PHP training session. We request you to be little earlier in reserving your seat considering the higher demand of the course.
Pre-requisites for Advanced PHP Training
Students attending this PHP training course should have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS. Prior knowledge of any programming language like C, C++ will be an advantage in better understanding of the environment.
- Introduction to Web Technology
- Choosing Code Editors / IDEs
- Understanding HTML Markup
- Introduction to HTML5
- Introduction to CSS
- Introduction and difference between Server Side and Client Side Scripting Language
- Using Bootstrap framework
- Introduction
- PHP as a Server Side Scripting Language
- How PHP scripts works and why use PHP?
- Installation and Configuration: Setting up PHP Development Environment
- AMP Stack and Working with configuration files (php.ini and httpd.conf)
- PHP CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Runtime Configuration
- Basic overview of working in team using version control tool like GIT, Github,
- Other tools overview like composer for package management
- Syntax, Quotes, Comments and Special Characters
- Building and running our first program
- Data types
- Debugging basics
- PHP web concepts
- Web Architecture (Client / Server communications)
- How to embed PHP into HTML
- How to embed HTML into PHP
- Validating and Escaping
Workout: Basic examples of writing HTML and PHP code simultaneously,
- Variables
- Constants
- Arrays
- Types of Arrays (Indexive / Associative)
- Single Dimensional & Multi-Dimensional Arrays
- Accessing Arrays
- Playing with Arrays
- Array functions ? size, merging, sorting etc...
- Introduction
- Assignment Operators
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Increment / Decrement Operators
- String Operator (Concatenation)
- Logical (or Relational) Operators
- Conditional (or ternary) Operator
- Error suppressor (@)
- Operators Precedence
- Usage of Control structures
- Types of Conditional Statements
- if else condition
- The switch statement
- Loop Statements
- for, while , do while loops
- break and continue statements
- foreach loop
- Nested control structures and loops
- Working examples of arrays
- Working with table and array data using loops,
- Handling 2 dimensional, 3 dimensional and multi
- dimensional array data and display in tabular form,
- GET Method
- POST Method
- DELETE Method
- Form Handling with these Methods
- Working with forms (in detail)
- Creating a form with different form inputs
- Using hidden fields
- Redirecting the user from one page to another
- File handling using form (multipart form data)
- Delete a File
- $_POST
- $_GET
- $_ENV
- Understanding Session and Cookies
- Creating session
- Assigning data to Session Variables
- Reading From Session Variables
- Destroying Session and Session Data
- Setting Cookies
- Reading Cookies
- Expiration of Cookies
- Working with forms
- Passing and Handling Data between pages
- Using GET and POST method in form to pass data
- Using link and query string to pass data using GET method
- Using SESSION to access data in multiple pages
- Using COOKIE to handle data between multiple page
- Introduction
- Usage of function
- Types of function (Pre-defined (In-built) & User Defined function)
- Types of function (Predefined (Inbuilt) & User Defined function)
- Function parameters (With or without and conditional parameters)
- Arguments by value and reference
- Returning values from a function
- Variable Scopes of a function
- Working with Some useful functions
- Date and time function
- Include and require
- Templating using include and require
Project Work:
- Templating HTML template (Separating header, footer, body) using include and require
- Bootstraping index.php to access other pages and handling 404 error
- Creating and managing simple code architecture and library prior to starting project
- Login System
- Building a simple login system using array data, session and cookie
- Creating profile page and preventing access to login secured page without login
- File system Constants
- Creating and deleting a file
- Reading and writing text files
- Working with directories in PHP
- Checking for existence of file
- Determining file size
- Opening a file for writing, reading, or appending
- Writing Data to the file
- Reading characters
- File System Performance
- Formatting String for Presentation (printf, sprintf)
- Formatting String for Storage
- Joining and Splitting String
- Comparing String
- Matching and replace Substring
- Extracting substrings
- Determining the length of string
- String Patterns
- Matching patterns
- Finding matches
- Replace patterns
- Introduction to SMTP
- Sending Emails with PHP
- Introduction To Database
- What is RDBMS technology?
- Difference between SQL and NoSQL Database
- Introduction to MySQL / MariaDB and Other databases
- Understanding Database, Tables, Fields
- Introduction to SQL (Structured Query Language)
- Data modeling
- MySQL Command Line Usage / Terminal MySQL
- Using Database Management tools (phpMyAdmin/ MySQL Workbench etc.) to handle database
- Creating and managing database
- Selecting Database
- Creating Tables
- Auto Increment and Indexing a columns in tables
- Inserting Data into tables in different ways via query
- Updating Data and Table Structure
- Selecting from table in different ways
- Deleting tables and drop database
- Alter Table structure
- Using include and require to manage function library
- Working with file examples
- Formatting string examples
- Using file to handle system and error logs
- Query examples using database tools like command line, phpMyAdmin, MySQL Workbench etc.
- Email sending using contact us form
- Depreciated MySQL extension
- MySQL Improved Extension (MySQL procedural and object based)
- PHP Data Objects (PDO) API
- Connecting with databases
- Database Operations using different drivers
- Working with Database using PHP code
- Different PHP Drivers to connect to MySQL
- Connecting to the MYSQL Database
- Perform CRUD Operations
Project Work:
- Creating a full-fledged product catalog project
- Implement Login System using database
- Manage product catalog using admin section
- Manage CMS pages from admin section
- Display Product Catalog and CMS pages in user end website
- Handle Contact us page and send email
Project Scope:
- Blogging Website
- News Portal Websites
- Dynamic Company Portfolio Website
Advanced Course
- Introduction to OOP
- The class construct
- Creating and Defining Class in PHP
- Instantiating a class
- Constructors and Destructors
- Class constants
- Attributes and methods
- Member visibility: Access Modifiers / Specifiers
- Static properties and methods
- Inheritance
- Overrides
- Class and method abstraction
- Object Interface
- OOP Keywords (Class Autoload, Static & Final Keywords)
- Preventing a Class from Inheritance( final keyword)
- Autoloading Classes / Magic methods
- Serializing Objects
- Destroying Objects
- Type Hinting
- Traits
- Namespaces
- Generators
- Object cloning and comparison
- Functions that work with classes
- Exceptions
- Course application OOP implementation
- Architecturally thinking our application
- File structure / Code file organization
- Code Architecture
- Code Structure and Documentation
- Managing Code Library and Folders
- Modules (Modularizing a Web Application)
- Bootstrapping a File
- Design pattern and introduction
- The Singleton pattern
- The Factory Pattern
- Model / View / Controller design pattern implementation
- Controllers and input classes
- Core classes and their role
- Domain classes, services and business logic
- Domain classes, services and business logic
- Form and input classes and abstraction
- Model classes and abstraction, database access and patterns
- View classes and layouts
- Re-structuring our code library
- Creating an MVC framework
- Implement these code architecture with project work
Project Work:
- Creating an application using the MVC code architecture (a complete e-commerce application including payment integration)
- User Management and Privileges
- GRANT and REVOKE Statements
- Creating Primary, Index and Unique Keys
- Primary Key, Foreign Key Relationship and Mapping
- Maintaining Foreign Key Constraints
- Joins and Types of JOINS with examples
- Sub Queries
- Functions, built
- in functions, User defined functions
- Prepared Statements
- Stored Procedures and Triggers
- PL/SQL (CASE, LOOPS and Cursors)
- Transactions
- Patterns in database design
- Advanced database examples
- Connectivity examples using PHP script
Project Work:
- Re-create Login system using Database
- Create a simple CRUD application using the HTML template.
- Basic coding standard (PSR1, PSR2 etc)
- Logger interface and standard
- Autoloading and autoloading standard
- Caching interface and standard
- Messaging interface and standard
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Data types, operators, conditions
- Events, function
- Array and Objects
- jQuery Syntax, Events
- Some jQuery functions
- jQuery Syntax and Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery Selectors and Traversing
- jQuery Custom Functions
- jQuery load, get, post
- jQuery Ajax
- Introduction to AngularJS
- AngularJS Syntax
- MVC Design Pattern for AngularJS
Project Work:
- Continue the project work
- Implement JavaScript and jQuery in the project
- HTML web forms and URLs
- Server-side input validation
- Client-side input validations
- Session and cookie protection
- Output control
- Headers and browser caching
- Handling PHP Exceptions
- Using Try & Catch blocks
- The Exception Object
- Generating Custom Exceptions
- Multiple Catch Blocks
- Default Exception processing
Project Work:
- Continue the project work and implement server side and client side validation rules in the project.
- Web services
- Data formats
- Parsing APIs
- Web services requests
- SOAP services
- RESTFUL services
- Handling JSON in PHP
- Parsing JSON
- JSON encoding / decoding
- PHP and XML
- What is XML
- XML Syntax
- Document Type Definitions
- Parsing XML With PHP
- Fetching and handling RSS Feeds
- Using XML as a String
- Streams
- Third Party API Integration (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linked in etc)
- Shopify API
- Google Map API
- Mail API (PHP Mailer)
- APP Hosting & Development
- PHP Error Handling
- Error Logging and Reporting
- Creating Custom Error Handlers
- Suppressing Errors
- PHP Debugging Methods
- Using Debugging Tools (xdebug)
- Creating Conditional Debug Code
Project work
- Continue project work
- Working with RESTful web services in the project
- Implement payment gateway using Paypal
- Implementation of SMS API
- Introduction to GD library
- Working with images
- PDFLib() Distribution
- Pdf creating framework: fpdf etc
GIT version control system basics
- Push content / download
- See version / traverse through older versions
- etc
- Composer files
- Composer.phar
- Composer.json
- Important composer commands
- The “vendor” directory
- Composer API docs and packages
- Using GruntJS for checking php code standard PSR1, PSR2
Project work
- Image generation
- Creating a Simple Image ?
- Using True Type Fonts ?
- Saving and Building on Existing Images ?
- Creating a Captcha Image
- Creating PDFs ?
- Creating a Simple PDF ?
- Adding Content to PDFs
- Continue project work
Project Scope:
- Complete e-commerce Website package
- Web Based applications
- School Management System
- Project Management System
- Online exams with certificate generation system
- Introduction
- Routing
- Migration
- Seeding
- Scaffolding
- Templating using blade
Project work
- Create a CRUD application using Laravel framework
Regular expressions
- Working With Regular Expressions
- The basic regular expressions
- Software unit testing
- Introduction to PHPUnit
- Testing PHP Classes and Functions
- PHP documenter
- Web security
- Introduction to Web Security
- Security concerns in MySQL
- SQL/OS/Code Injection
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS) / CSRF Attacks
- Session Fixation
- How to prevent from attacks
- Implementing Security in PHP
- Security concerns in the Web Authoring Tool
- Client-side Validating Forms with JavaScript
- HTML5 Form Validation
- Server-side Validating Forms
- Encryption with Mcrypt
- CPanel
- Introduction to FTP
- How to use FileZilla, CPanel with examples
Note: Revision class on Friday of every Third week
Very nice blog, Keep sharing such informative content to help student in making wise choice for their career. Ducat offering best expert training for students willing to train themselves under the industry expert trainers providing guaranteed placement assistance to help student making their career in php online training
ReplyDeletePHP Course in Noida
ReplyDeleteGreat Post! Thanks for sharing. Keep sharing such information. PHP is a server-side scripting language. It is one of the most popular languages for creating dynamic web pages. If you are looking for a PHP training services company in Dinanagar, look no further than Satyam Technology.