- Exploring the Word Window
- Entering and Editing Text
- Spelling and Grammar
- Selecting Text
- Cut, Copy & Paste
- Saving Files
- Finding and Replacing Text
- Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
- Inserting Symbols
- Inserting and Modifying Graphics
- Utilizing WordArt and SmartArt
- Inserting and Modifying Hyperlinks
- Borders and Shading
- Defining Font and Text Attributes
- Setting Paragraph Alignment and Hyphenation
- Utilizing the Format Painter
- Indenting Paragraphs
- Setting Tabs and Tab Stops
- Creating and Formatting Tables
- Inserting Headers and Footers
- Setting Page Orientation and Margins
- Creating and Inserting Citations & Bibliographies
- Printing and Saving Files in Alternative File Formats
- Planning a Presentation
- Adding and Deleting Slides
- Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
- Comparing Presentation Views
- Utilizing Tables and Charts
- Inserting and Modifying Graphics
- Creating a Photo Album
- Inserting and Modifying Shapes
- Utilizing WordArt
- Inserting SmartArt
- Inserting Slide and Handout Footers
- Apply Design Themes
- Formatting the Slide Background
- Replacing Text and Fonts
- Printing a Presentation
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