Personal Computer Basics Free - CTAL


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Personal Computer Basics Free

Personal Computer Basics Free

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Product Description


      1. Comparing and Contrasting Personal Computers
      2. Identifying Computer System Components
      3. Classifying Various Peripheral Devices
      4. Creating Screenshots
      5. File Management
      6. Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
      1. Exploring the Word Window
      2. Entering and Editing Text
      3. Spelling and Grammar
      4. Selecting Text
      5. Cut, Copy & Paste
      6. Saving Files
      7. Finding and Replacing Text
      8. Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
      9. Inserting Symbols
      10. Inserting and Modifying Graphics
      11. Utilizing WordArt and SmartArt
      12. Inserting and Modifying Hyperlinks
      13. Borders and Shading
      1. Defining Font and Text Attributes
      2. Setting Paragraph Alignment and Hyphenation
      3. Utilizing the Format Painter
      4. Indenting Paragraphs
      5. Setting Tabs and Tab Stops
      6. Creating and Formatting Tables
      7. Inserting Headers and Footers
      8. Setting Page Orientation and Margins
      9. Creating and Inserting Citations & Bibliographies
      10. Printing and Saving Files in Alternative File Formats
      1. What is a Spreadsheet?
      2. Entering Data
      3. Selecting Data
      4. Inserting Data
      5. Manipulating Sheets
      6. Formatting Worksheets
      7. Creating Formulas to Perform Calculations
      8. Copying and Pasting Formulas
      9. Adding Basic Functions to Formulas
      10. Inserting Headers and Footers
      11. Adjusting the Page Layout and Preparing to Print
      1. Absolute versus Static References
      2. Understanding Complex Formulas
      3. Date & Time Functions
      4. Logical Functions
      5. More Math Functions
      6. Sorting and Filtering
      7. Conditional Formatting
      8. Pie Charts
      9. Bar & Column Charts
      10. Line Charts
      1. Planning a Presentation
      2. Adding and Deleting Slides
      3. Creating Bulleted and Numbered Lists
      4. Comparing Presentation Views
      5. Utilizing Tables and Charts
      6. Inserting and Modifying Graphics
      7. Creating a Photo Album
      8. Inserting and Modifying Shapes
      9. Utilizing WordArt
      10. Inserting SmartArt
      11. Inserting Slide and Handout Footers
      12. Apply Design Themes
      13. Formatting the Slide Background
      14. Replacing Text and Fonts
      15. Printing a Presentation
      1. Adding Slide Transitions
      2. Apply Animations to Slide Content
      3. Adding and Modifying Audio
      4. Adding and Modifying Video
      5. Inserting and Modifying Hyperlinks
      6. Utilizing Templates & Slide Masters
      7. Employing Proofing Tools
      8. Saving Files in Alternative File Formats

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